A downloadable game for Windows

You're a wizard who's miscasted their spell! Your books are attacking you, and they're trying to steal your knowledge. Destroy them before they destroy your mind! If they attack you they'll steal some of your controls and you'll have to reassign your controls to survive. You'll survive as long as you have keys left!

Design and Programming - Julien Camaraza

Music and Design - Camden Galvin

3D Art - Adam Kaufman

3D Art, VFX, and UI - Jessica Teague

They start as WASD to move and IJKL to attack, but when you press shift it opens a menu that allows to change the controls. Click the button you want to remap and then press the key you want it mapped to. 


Spellbinder.zip 477 MB

Install instructions

Download and open the zip, then click the exe. 

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